
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2024

Mobility 3. The Irish Education System - Dublin from 26rd Nov till 3rd of Dec

T his is the third article we write about the experiences and opportunities this Erasmus + project is gi ving us . It is hard to decide whether the focus we give t o the text must be strictly professional or we can get closer to a travel guide style . That is , how to separate the more personal experiences from those restricted to our job .   Getting involved in such a mobility implies leaving y our comfort zone , leaving y our home and family , daily obligations and routines , preparing tasks for you r students while you are absent ... Not to mention official paperwork , insurance , plane tickets, accommodation , presentations a nd communication about your school ...     Some of us face this on our own and travel alone. Then you reach your destination and have  a week to get to know other colleagues who decided to set out on the same quest .   In our case, it was an English and